Opiates are an enormous problem in the United States and around the world. They’re powerful and often deadly, yet they’re frequently found in medicine cabinets. Opiates include prescription painkillers like OxyContin....

Opiates is a term also often used interchangeably with opioids that refers to a class of drugs prescribed for the treatment of acute pain. While opiates do have therapeutic benefits, they’re unfortunately also the...

Morphine is derived from poppy, the same plant used to manufacture other opiates, and it’s highly addictive. In medical settings, it is used as a pain killer for short and long-term...

Signs, Symptoms, and Side Effects of Kadian Abuse Kadian is an opioid analgesic, also called a narcotic, that is meant to treat severe long-lasting pain, often caused by cancer. It’s an...

Alfentanil is an opioid analgesic drug used as an anesthetic during surgical procedures. When used recreationally, it can cause addiction and fatal overdose. Alfentanil (Alfenta) is a fast-acting opioid pain medication...