Brea Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Detox & Treatment Resources
Brea, CA is in Orange County, about 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Brea is popular for its public art program that includes more than 140 pieces of artwork. The city is also popular for its downtown shopping area as well as its shopping choices at the Brea Mall. Several top schools exist in the area, many having received awards.
Despite the city’s appeal, it is not immune to the effects of alcohol anddrug addiction. Drug overdoses in Orange County are now at theirhighest rate in a decade, causing concern in the community. Most of those overdoses are due to opioids; however, other substances are of big concern as well. Officials are looking for ways to lower drug and alcohol abuse in the Brea area and throughout Orange County.
The stigma of addiction may prevent some from asking for help. However, individuals need to understand that drug addiction andalcoholismare not moral failings; they are diseases, much like high blood pressure or diabetes. These illnesses can affect anyone, no matter his or her economic or social status. The Brea community is looking for ways to lower the statistics and find help for those who need it.
Finding Help in Brea, CA
It’s important for individuals to weigh the pros and cons for each treatment option to find the one that best meets their needs. Recovery takes dedication and commitment, only achieved if the individual is comfortable with the treatment chosen.
Detox Centers
The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. You may have come to this realization after a major incident in your life. However, no matter how you came to the decision to seek help, it is important to follow the steps to recovery to have a sober life. As you begin your journey, it is important to start witha detox program. You must clear your body of the substances that your body has become dependent upon.
There are many options at detox centers. It is important to start the detox process with an experienced medical professional, to ensure that you detox safely. The side effects fromwithdrawalcan be debilitating when done without medical guidance.