Adjustment disorders are trauma and stressor-related mental conditions. The disorders develop due to adverse events, such as the death of a loved one, or common life-changing occurrences like changing jobs....

Stressed out? You could be at a higher risk for both adjustment disorder and substance abuse. An adjustment disorder occurs when stress overwhelms a person’s coping skills, leading to changes in their...

Adjustment disorder is a fairly common but under discussed condition. Adjustment disorder statistics reveal information about circumstances that cause the condition and the populations it most often impacts. Significant or...

Medical professionals view adjustment disorder as a mental health condition. But is it considered a disability? Adjustment disorders can occur when a person has trouble coping with a stressful event, such...

Adjustment disorders are mental conditions that occur following traumatic or stressful events. Learning how to cope with an adjustment disorder can help people diminish the effects, which include anxiety and...

To help someone with an adjustment disorder, you must first understand the condition, their point of view and then you can help them find healing. Whenever a friend or family...

Adjustment disorders cause people to react to stressors more strongly and negatively than normal. Fortunately, treatment options are available for these conditions. An adjustment disorder can make even ordinary daily routines difficult...

Adjustment disorders involve emotional and behavioral reactions to stressors, and contrary to some myths, they are not long-lasting and are different from PTSD. An adjustment disorder occurs when a person experiences a...

Adjustment disorders are common psychiatric conditions. Read about how prevalent these disorders are around the world. Adjustment disorders are stress-related conditions that can produce symptoms like sadness, sleep problems and suicidal...