Someone with trichotillomania has uncontrollable impulses to pull their hair. Learn how to support a loved one with this disorder. Trichotillomania is a mental health condition characterized by uncontrollable urges to pull out...

Trichotillomania, or self hair pulling, can be a symptom of substance use or underlying psychiatric disorder. Learn more about the link between trichotillomania and addiction. Trichotillomania is a diagnosable psychiatric condition...

What causes trichotillomania? Learn facts and statistics about trichotillomania and how it is treated. Trichotillomania is a complex condition in which someone resorts to pulling out their body hair in response...

It seems trichotillomania has a strong genetic component after a study confirmed a certain gene mutation predicted the disorder in families. Trichotillomania, the mental health condition that involves people pulling...

Trichotillomania, commonly known as hair pulling disorder, affects millions of Americans. Learn the truth about seven common myths associated with this disorder and treatment options available. Trichotillomania, also known as...

Trichotillomania is a problematic condition that often requires a combination of therapy and medication management to end the behavior of compulsive hair pulling. In severe cases, trichotillomania, also known as hair...