Tapering off opioid replacement medication such as methadone or Subuxone isn’t easy, and is a process that can require patience and diligence.
Opioids are a class of drugs usually used to treat pain. Legal opioids includemorphine,methadone, buprenorphine,hydrocodoneandoxycodone. Heroin is also an opioid, but it is an illicit, illegal drug.
Opioid replacement therapy is a type of treatment for those who may be addicted to opioids. In short, the idea behind the therapy is that it replaces dangerous opioids — like heroin — with legal drugs, such as methadone or Suboxone. This is not a permanent option for most people, and a person will eventually have to taper off of the replacement medication.
The reasoning behind this type of treatment is that when a person is addicted to an opioid, their brain chemistry is affected. Because opioids affect the brain and leave it wanting more, it becomes uncomfortable for a person to stop taking a drug like heroin. This is where opioid replacement therapy comes into play. The idea is that by replacing an illicit opioid with a legal one, a person will not be atrisk for the uncomfortableopioid withdrawal symptomsthat can occur when stopping opioid use cold turkey. Taking part in opioid replacement therapy allows a person to be monitored by a medical professional as they come off of opioidsgradually.While this is occurring, they can also take part in other aspects of treatment, like counseling.
What Is Opioid Replacement Therapy?
Though helpful for some, replacement drugs like methadone andSuboxone are not a permanent solution foropioid addiction. Eventually, their use should be stopped, as they can also be addictive. The best way stop use altogether is by tapering, which means lowering the amount of the drug taken over an extended period, rather than all at once. This time may be different for each individual.
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For a replacement drug likemethadone, the suggested taper time depends on the dose of methadone a person is on, and how long they have been on it. Though tapering should help to avoid serious withdrawals, individuals may still experience some symptoms, including chills, fever, anxiety, muscle aches and pains, nausea, sweating, rapid heartbeat and stomach cramps.
Tapering off any medication takes patience and diligence.
Taperingis not a fast process, but it is a necessary one to take care of your body and mind.Consult a medical professional before beginning the tapering process. The Recovery Village has medicalopioid detoxprograms at several facilities across the country.Call todayto learn more aboutopioid addiction treatmentoptions and to begin now.