Teens often hide liquor in secret containers to mask their drinking. Know where to look and how to talk to your teen about alcohol use in order to help keep...
Middle school, high school and college students are at a high risk of experiencing multiple problems related to alcohol use. The legal drinking age in the United States is 21,...
The link between drinking and sexual assault puts college students at risk of being attacked. College sexual assault statistics show that alcohol is involved in around half of the cases of sexual assault on college...
Learn about the effect of media on underage drinking and what you can do to protect your teen. Media has an influence on teenagers that can lead to changes in behavior...
Teen drinking is associated with drunk driving, harm to the developing brain, and later alcohol dependence. Allowing teens to drink at home can increase risks. Parents may be concerned about teen...
Is underage drinking safe? Learn more about common myths surrounding underage drinking and the dangerous truths about this risky behavior. Underage drinking can be acceptable to some parents. Some may...
Teen alcohol use is a serious concern and, surprisingly, modern teenage alcohol consumption does not just include drinking alcohol. Understanding the different ways that teens drink without actually drinking can...
The consequences of teen alcohol abuse can be significant and include drunk driving, sexual assault, alcohol poisoning and delayed brain development. Teen drinking can have serious consequences, and unfortunately, teen alcohol abuse is...
The adolescent brain undergoes profound developmental changes that can be significantly affected by alcohol, which can cause short and long-term developmental deficiencies. Teenage alcohol consumption in the U.S. is incredibly prevalent....